Tuesday, November 21, 2023

A Child (and Beauty Queen) Shall Lead Them

Sometimes it takes an innocent child to show us the way. That or a beauty queen.

We have been witnessing a bizarre phenomena. Men have been seeking to marry men. And women have been seeking to marry women. Although the opposition to the campaign to legalize those marriages has been intense, there is actually little to worry about from such a movement.

It is a self-extinguishing movement, like medieval monasticism. Since the movement can not be advanced through childbirth, each married couple will end with itself. The only means of perpetuation through children comes from adoption, which is the way the movement of lovers of like sex seek to follow.

Yet, the reason for intense opposition to those who hold the traditional marriage as the only marriage sanctioned by God is easy to understand. The movement of lover's of like sex is an ideological movement. During the past couple decades, it has stepped out of the closet into the halls of government. People who have achieved respectable positions proclaim their love of like sex to all the world, advocating that as the best way to marry.

Why has this bizarre phenomena happened? What in the world would make wonderful people chose to perform such a perverted act? Actually, God inspired it. How in the world could that be? Why would God inspire an act that goes contrary to the universal principles of nature and life?

We can find the answer in Carl Jung, the Swiss psychoanalyst whom Freud had picked to carry on his theory. That is, until Jung proclaimed a belief in spiritual reality. At that point Freud pushed him away with a fury. There is no place for God or spirituality in Freud's thinking. God is a neurosis as far as he is concerned. Freud stood shoulder to shoulder with Marx and Darwin in denying God.

What can we find in Jung that would explain the revolting phenomena of like loving like, man loving man and woman loving women? Jung taught that each of us is feminine (anima), and masculine (animus). Women have a greater portion of anima and men have a greater measure of animus. Until recently, to be a woman has meant to embrace feminine characteristics and deny masculine characteristics. Likewise with men. To be a man has meant to embrace the masculine characteristics and deny the feminine characteristics.

We have entered a new age, the age of integration of anima and animus, feminine and masculine, within each one of us. God has put the urge into our hearts for each woman to integrate her masculine qualities and each man to integrate his feminine qualities.

What are the feminine qualities? Some of them are nurturing, sensitivity, spiritual awareness, unconditional love, taking care of the home, raising children, nurse others to health, teach, be beautiful, and be supportive. What are the masculine qualities? A partial list includes not showing pain, acting strong, keeping commitments, bringing home the pay check, punishing the children, taking the boys fishing, never crying, being the leader, being adventurous, performing physically difficult tasks, and working with math and science.

Jung said that we have moved from the age of three to the age of four, into the age of integration, the age of fulfillment. The problem is that the old age seldom easily gives way to the new age. It resists and tries to obstruct the new age. When a woman feels the urge to manifest her masculine qualities, her animus, society admonishes her, "be a woman." Likewise for the man. When a man feels the urge to give play to his anima, society blares back, "be a man!"

That leaves women and men in a pickle. The woman who experiences society's stonewalling determines to be true to her self and her God, over reacts in manifesting her masculine qualities, leading her to believe that she is a man. Likewise with the man. He feels society stonewalling his urge to manifest his feminine aspect, over reacts and believes that he is a woman.

A 12 year old boy, ChristianU2uber, provoked a maelstrom of denunciations for standing up for traditional marriage and saying marriage between like sexes is wrong. Carrie Prejean settled for runner up by standing for traditional marriage in the Miss USA contest. They are right and courageous. Marriage between like sexes is wrong and traditional marriage is right. Yet we need to go one step further and stand for the spirit of the times, to become integrated, whole people.

Since we know that loving the like sex is unnatural and will lead to extinction if we all did that, we know that this movement will fail. But we must not fail to integrate our anima and animus in each of us, to become whole persons, whole men and whole women. That movement must and will succeed.

1 comment:

  1. Very enlightening. However there are many homosexuals having babies. Also there are indications that a number of various types of deviant behaviors, as a percentage, are on the rise.
    I agree with your basic theory though because I have observed deviant behavior elicited by an unnatural, oppressive environment.
    Thank you for your insight.
