Friday, January 28, 2011

III. A Quest for Peace: America


A Quest for Peace: America


Jewish doctrine teaches the Messiah will enter Jerusalem through the Golden Gate to rule the world as King of Kings, Lord of Lords. The Messiah is the one who will save us from suffering, the one who will end the world's suffering. God created Jerusalem and Israel as the place for the Messiah to establish his rule, to serve as the light to the world.

Jesus had been the light of the world, intended to enter Jerusalem through the Golden Gate and rule the world as Messiah. Tragically, he met with disbelief, scorn, hostility, and finally execution nearly 2000 years before. We would live in an extremely different world today if he had succeeded.

In his day, Rome, China, and India had been the great civilizations. Europe, Russia, the British Isles, America, and Africa had been wilderness inhabited by barbarians. Jesus and his disciples would have traveled from Jerusalem through the Roman empire, Persia, India, and China. They would have had a nation, their own nation of Israel, to transform into a City on a Hill.

Jesus and his disciples would have found many meeting points between their teachings and Greco-Roman civilization, Persian civilization, India and China. Legend has that Jesus traveled to India as a youth, before his mission as Messiah began. His spirituality and teaching, based upon Hebrew scriptures, have much in common with Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism. Most likely his disciples could have created the Kingdom of God within 400 years if he had lived.

Jesus promised to return. That returned Messiah is the one I experienced foretold in the figure of light that day on the Mt. of Olives.

The city of Peace, Jerusalem, can only become the City of Peace through the Messiah. The Messiah will be the light in the Temple, greater than Solomon, greater than David. The Jews celebrate the Feast of the Tabernacles to remember the presence of God in the Temple. The Messiah returned will not be the Messiah merely for the Jews, Christians, and Muslims. The Messiah returned will be the Messiah for Buddhists, Confucians, Hindus, Shamans, and, indeed, every person in the world.

So how does that all connect with the United States of America? In a powerful way. Actually the return of the Messiah is what makes America great.

The United States is a unique nation in history. At the time of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, at the time of Moses, the time of David and Solomon, America had been a wilderness. Geologists theorized that the entire land mass, all continents of the world, had been one massive continent many millions of years ago. They drifted into the current positions. America became isolated from the great Euro-Asian land mass, created for the day, the Last Days, when the Messiah would return in his second coming.

What makes the United States great is that the Spirit of God created this mighty nation for the Last Days, as a place that could take the teaching of the Messiah in his second coming and live it. First and foremost, the USA is a place where everyone can worship as they wish. We enjoy freedom of religion, a freedom protected by the Constitutions and Bill of Rights. For that reason, America has been a magnet for religious people from all over the world. People of every religion live and worship here.

Second, people of all races and ethnic groups live in the USA. The path to integration has been rocky and tragic. The native Americans suffered near extermination by disease and war. The African, seized and shipped by way of the Middle Passage, toiled as chattel. The idea of equality required a murderous war between the states to survive and still the battle continues for equality among the races.

What makes America great is that here, on this mighty continent, we can live as God intends us to live, as brothers and sisters. We can build the New Jerusalem, the New Israel here. In the 1700s, the creators of the American Republic hoped for that. Benjamin Franklin envisioned the American Revolution as the quest of the Israelites into Israel. The City on a Hill, a light set up on a stand for all to see and emulate. God inspired Americans to create that kind of nation.

A Peace City, Jerusalem. A Peace Country, Israel. A Peace World, the Kingdom of God on the Earth. That is our God given mission. We have been created as a nation to help the world end poverty, disease, ignorance, malnutrition, destruction of nature, war, intolerance, abuse of children, inequality between men and women, racism, and broken families. That's the negative way of saying what our mission is. The positive way to say that is: our mission is to bring abundance, wealth, health, knowledge, equality, life in harmony with nature, racial harmony, and healthy families. If the USA can achieve that, then we will be the City on a Hill, the New Jerusalem, the New Israel envisioned by God.


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