Friday, January 5, 2024

V. A Quest for Peace: Kibbutz Sasa


A Quest for Peace: Kibbutz Sasa

After spending the night in a cold, early April rain without cover outside the walls of a Israeli settlement near the Lebanese border, I spent the second day walking for the entire day. Toward evening, I came over a hill and looked down upon a glorious scene. A kibbutz stretched out nestled in the hills of the Galilee. I felt I had found my City of Peace, Kibbutz Sasa.

Kibbutz Sasa became my home for the next few months. Perched in the beautiful Galilee, overlooking Safed, the birthplace of the Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism) movement, I found the perfect place to experience first hand people attempting to live peaceable together. I recall looking over Safed at night, the stars populating the sky by the billions, while Safed glittered with night lights. I recall thinking that never has a more beautiful, more spiritual place ever existed.

The spring time in the Galilee is most glorious. Whenever I had free time I walked the throughout the hills around Sasa. Every month during the Spring the flowers changed, bringing a new chorus of delightful colors. I recall that the honey taken from the Galilee changed color every month along with the flowers. I often imagined what Jesus must have felt growing up as a boy in the Galilee, walking the same kinds of meadows I walked, through the hills I enjoyed.

I recall walking one day in the early summer heat through a wadis that wound from the Galilee to the Sea of Galilee. My route went through a desolate area. Beautiful grooves of trees thrived along a stream flowing through the valley. I went past Mt. Meron, to the southwest of Safed, past the small villages of Amirim, Kahal, Hukok, and finally to the Sea of Galilee just south of Capernaum. I believe that Jesus must have walked that very route from the Galilee to the Sea of Galilee, as it is desolate yet direct. Jesus' home village, Nazareth lay about fifteen miles southwest of Capernaum. He walked the region often during his too short thirty-three years on earth.

While living at Kibbutz Sasa, I dove into a study of the history of the commune and the kibbutz movement. I learned that at the end of the 19th century, Jews throughout the world began to feel a draw back to Israel. A movement sprang up, the Zionist movement, that promoted the return to Israel and the creation of a Jewish state. By the time of the outbreak of World War II, many Jews lived in Israel along side the Palestinians. When of  war of Independence broke out in 1948, 100,000 Jews had immigrated illegally into the British mandate of Palestine.

During beginning of the kibbutz movement in the early 1900s, the membership immigrating from Europe, the Ashkenazi, brought the ideas of Sigmund Freud and Karl Marx. They believed that the problems people suffer came from having parents, especially from the attachment with the mother, and ownership of property. At first, the community separated the baby from the mother and raised them at a community nursery without ever letting them know their mothers. In addition, the community did not sanction marriage. Every one was married to everyone. They rejected the idea of owning property or owning anything, including the "ownership" of the husband of the wife and vice versa.They upheld total equality between man and woman, making no distinction. The idea of keeping property in common had come from Karl Marx.

Over time, those radical ideas proved unworkable. Mothers wanted to know their children and the parents wanted to be husband and wife. The communal nursery continued but the children would stay at night with the parents. Parents married and lived together. The idea of communal work continued. Women shifted out of total equality of employment with the reality of pregnancy and child birth dawning. A crisis emerged with children growing up and leaving the kibbutz for life in the cities. The religious kibbutzim, which constituted a small percentage of the kibbutzim, had a much higher percentage of children remain on the kibbutz and proved more successful.

After a few months at Kibbutz Sasa, I realized that the kibbutz, although a noble effort and laudable attempt to create peace communities, fell short of the way for people to live together throughout the world. At about that time, during the summer of 1972, I learned of the filming of Jesus Christ Super Star in Israel and that they needed extras. That began the next stage of my quest for the City of Peace.


Thursday, January 4, 2024

IV. A Quest for Peace: Community


A Quest for Peace: Community

I decided to travel south to Eilat, on the Gulf of Aqaba. I had heard that I could get work there and they enjoyed a milder winter. I worked on several construction sites, often with Bedouins. We did hard manual labor together, carrying heavy cement blocks in chain gang style. I earned enough money to continue my journey, continuing to seek for a way and place that people lived together peacefully. I suppose that I hoped to find a place like Thomas More's Utopia.

While in Eilat, I had a life changing experience. Talking with a friend about Goethe's Faust, I said that Faust sold his soul to Mephistopheles, the devil, in exchange for knowledge. At that moment, a most startling and amazing phenomena happened. I experienced a little black demon, that looked like a baby, project out of my self in a cylinder and hover in front of me. The demon, standing in the transparent cylinder in full view, realized he had been completely exposed. He looked frantically around him, saw that he had no where to hide, and shot straight up out of the cylinder.

At that moment, I felt a total and complete release, like a geyser. I felt as if I had been liberated from a demon who had been living within me for many, many years. I had sold my soul for knowledge, too. I learned later that St. Anthony, one of the foremost desert fathers who had lived in Egypt, had had a similar experience.

I felt completely disillusioned. I had been following God, I thought, through inner leadings. Now I learned that I had been possessed by a demon, that my love of knowledge had been his hiding place. I needed a few days to pray and reflect in solitude about what happened and where to go from there.

That need for a place of solitude took me to a beach on the Gulf of Aqaba south of Eilat. This turned out to be another life changing time for me. During three days alone, I faced the possibility that I had been guided by a demon on my path to that time. That, like Faust, I had sold my soul to the devil for knowledge. I had to find what is true within me, to try to find God. I started from ground zero, empty and asking.

During those three days of solitude on that beautiful beach I confronted myself. I swam in the magnificent coral reefs, reefs that in 1972 had been unspoiled. Coral reefs that stood hundreds of feet high, magnificent colors, tropical fish of every color of the rainbow abundantly swimming in an among them. Dangers lurked, too. The Clown Fish, Lion Fish, Moray Eel, and shark inhabited the coral.

In addition to marveling at the astounding beauties of the coral reef, I confronted death and my craving for power. Curiously, Faust also sold his soul for youth and magical power. I seemed to have confronted the three most formidable obstacles to knowing God and peace, the three greatest temptations that can sidetrack us from God and God's peace: the fear of death, the desire for power, and the desire for knowledge.

I left the beach chastened, humbled, and determined to continue my quest for the city of peace. I had heard of the kibbutz movement and decided to make my way to the northern coast of Israel and join kibbutz Rosh HaNikra, founded in 1949 by Holocaust survivors. After staying a month, I decided to leave on Easter day, April 2, 1972.

I felt that God wanted me to move on but I had no idea where and God gave me no direction. I felt totally frustrated and abandoned. I recall setting up camp in an apple orchard close by the kibbutz to pray for direction. While in my prayer vigil, I read a book that had a profound impact on me; Nikos Kazantzakis, The Last Temptation of Christ. Kazantzakis painted a profoundly human Christ, one capable of nearly being tempted away from the path of the cross by the devil through the desire to live a happy family life.

I prayed and fasted for three days without any direction from God. I decided to force God's hand. He would either show me the way to go or I would die! I decided to hike along the Israel-Lebanon border, a dangerous place that usually only Israeli military traveled. I set out in the morning, making my way through the beautiful hills looking on to Lebanon. I had read that during the time of Israel's kingdom, forest of cedar spread across the hills of Lebanon. None of that now.

I came upon an Israel outpost with much activity going on. Talking with one of the soldiers I learned that they had killed two members of the Fatah who had sought to infiltrate and attack settlements across the border. I felt a sadness to be on the site where two men had died just hours earlier.

As I walked along the road, an Israeli army jeep pulled up and stopped next to me. A Israel lieutenant asked me what I was doing walking along such a dangerous road. I said that I am looking for God. He said, with a laugh: "You will find him in heaven when you die soon! You had better get to a settlement for the night." I walked the rest of the day until before sundown. Dusk fell as I approached the guard towers of a settlement. Concerned that they might mistake me for a Fatah, I decided to take cover in the underbrush well outside the town walls and guard towers. As fate would have it, a cold rain fell that early April night. Afraid that any movement in the brush would get me shot, I had to remain still. Finally, with the morning light, I could get up and move on.


Wednesday, January 3, 2024

III. A Quest for Peace: America


A Quest for Peace: America


Jewish doctrine teaches the Messiah will enter Jerusalem through the Golden Gate to rule the world as King of Kings, Lord of Lords. The Messiah is the one who will save us from suffering, the one who will end the world's suffering. God created Jerusalem and Israel as the place for the Messiah to establish his rule, to serve as the light to the world.

Jesus had been the light of the world, intended to enter Jerusalem through the Golden Gate and rule the world as Messiah. Tragically, he met with disbelief, scorn, hostility, and finally execution nearly 2000 years before. We would live in an extremely different world today if he had succeeded.

In his day, Rome, China, and India had been the great civilizations. Europe, Russia, the British Isles, America, and Africa had been wilderness inhabited by barbarians. Jesus and his disciples would have traveled from Jerusalem through the Roman empire, Persia, India, and China. They would have had a nation, their own nation of Israel, to transform into a City on a Hill.

Jesus and his disciples would have found many meeting points between their teachings and Greco-Roman civilization, Persian civilization, India and China. Legend has that Jesus traveled to India as a youth, before his mission as Messiah began. His spirituality and teaching, based upon Hebrew scriptures, have much in common with Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism. Most likely his disciples could have created the Kingdom of God within 400 years if he had lived.

Jesus promised to return. That returned Messiah is the one I experienced foretold in the figure of light that day on the Mt. of Olives.

The city of Peace, Jerusalem, can only become the City of Peace through the Messiah. The Messiah will be the light in the Temple, greater than Solomon, greater than David. The Jews celebrate the Feast of the Tabernacles to remember the presence of God in the Temple. The Messiah returned will not be the Messiah merely for the Jews, Christians, and Muslims. The Messiah returned will be the Messiah for Buddhists, Confucians, Hindus, Shamans, and, indeed, every person in the world.

So how does that all connect with the United States of America? In a powerful way. Actually the return of the Messiah is what makes America great.

The United States is a unique nation in history. At the time of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, at the time of Moses, the time of David and Solomon, America had been a wilderness. Geologists theorized that the entire land mass, all continents of the world, had been one massive continent many millions of years ago. They drifted into the current positions. America became isolated from the great Euro-Asian land mass, created for the day, the Last Days, when the Messiah would return in his second coming.

What makes the United States great is that the Spirit of God created this mighty nation for the Last Days, as a place that could take the teaching of the Messiah in his second coming and live it. First and foremost, the USA is a place where everyone can worship as they wish. We enjoy freedom of religion, a freedom protected by the Constitutions and Bill of Rights. For that reason, America has been a magnet for religious people from all over the world. People of every religion live and worship here.

Second, people of all races and ethnic groups live in the USA. The path to integration has been rocky and tragic. The native Americans suffered near extermination by disease and war. The African, seized and shipped by way of the Middle Passage, toiled as chattel. The idea of equality required a murderous war between the states to survive and still the battle continues for equality among the races.

What makes America great is that here, on this mighty continent, we can live as God intends us to live, as brothers and sisters. We can build the New Jerusalem, the New Israel here. In the 1700s, the creators of the American Republic hoped for that. Benjamin Franklin envisioned the American Revolution as the quest of the Israelites into Israel. The City on a Hill, a light set up on a stand for all to see and emulate. God inspired Americans to create that kind of nation.

A Peace City, Jerusalem. A Peace Country, Israel. A Peace World, the Kingdom of God on the Earth. That is our God given mission. We have been created as a nation to help the world end poverty, disease, ignorance, malnutrition, destruction of nature, war, intolerance, abuse of children, inequality between men and women, racism, and broken families. That's the negative way of saying what our mission is. The positive way to say that is: our mission is to bring abundance, wealth, health, knowledge, equality, life in harmony with nature, racial harmony, and healthy families. If the USA can achieve that, then we will be the City on a Hill, the New Jerusalem, the New Israel envisioned by God.


Tuesday, January 2, 2024

II. A Quest for Peace: Spiritual Quest


A Quest for Peace: Spiritual Quest

How can we create Peace Cities? How can we create a community in which everyone lives peacefully? How can we create a nation and a world in which everyone lives peacefully?

With just six credits left to graduate from the University of Washington in 1971, I decided to try to find an answer to that question. I sold everything I owned, including my cherished 1970 baby blue Volkswagen bug, and bought a one way ticket to London. That began a six month journey around England, Scotland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Austria, Yugoslavia, Greece, Turkey and finally Israel.

Every day when I woke, I asked God to lead me. I lived day by day and slept in the Blue Sky motel. I lived on $1.50 a day, cooking my own food on the butane burner that I packed with me. I had a pack that weighted eighty pounds when I began, about sixty pounds books that I wanted to read in college but never had the time to read.

As I traveled Europe and the Mediterranean, my pack got lighter and lighter. After I finished a book, I gave it to a fellow traveler. I belonged to a loose fellowship of international travelers, the global Woodstock generation. We shared what we had, including our time and stories, love and peace, trials and tribulations. We felt a bond that transcended our nationalities, races, and languages. We felt the stirrings of the global community.

In December 1971, I flew from Istanbul into Israel. I looked at Israel through my airplane window, feeling myself swept over by a wave of joy, happiness, and peace. I felt that I had finally come home. I spent the next fifteen months searching for peace in the home of the world's three great monotheistic religions; Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

The search for peace first begins with myself. Although I had been baptized Catholic and Methodist, I had never embraced the Christian faith. Instead, I had embraced Vedanta Hinduism and Zen Buddhism while at the University of Washington. I had studied Christianity but it had just not rung my bell.

I spent my first days in Jerusalem, the city of peace. That's what Jerusalem means in Hebrew. That was extremely fitting for my quest to find a place where people could live together in peace. The Israelis even greeted me with the salutation "peace" (shalom). Lovely.

I traveled around Jerusalem a number of days, walking around the city, visiting the holy sites. I will share one especially memorable experience with you. I walked to the Mt. of Olives from Old Jerusalem. I went to the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus prayed, while his disciples slept, that God would let the cup he had been given to drink pass from him. The place where Judas betrayed Jesus to the Jewish soldiers sent by Caiaphas, the High Priest. Olive trees nearly two thousand years old still stood.

I walked to the nearby Mount of Olives Cemetery with a view of Old Jerusalem. The care taker kindly greeted me. He shared with me about the cemetery, about his experience during the Israeli War of 1948. He had been caretaker at that time, twenty three years earlier. His story of bombs dropped, tank battles, machine guns and rifle fire made me realize that Jerusalem, far from being a city of peace, has been a city of war.

The experience of the Garden of Gethsemane and the Mount of Olives Cemetery war story fresh on my mind, I walked to the top of the Mount of Olives. I looked over Old Jerusalem, onto the Dome on the Rock and the Golden Gate. The words of Jesus came to mind as he wept over the city of Jerusalem: "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing." (Matthew 23:37)

I began to think of all the suffering in the world; the poverty, war, disease, starvation, racism, religious wars, genocide, abuse of children and women, broken families, broken nations. I began to sob uncontrollably, saying: "Heavenly Father, please send your son to save the world!" At that moment, I had one of the most profound spiritual experiences of my life.

I felt a presence come out from me in the shape of my body and saw it move down the mountain toward the Golden Gate. It appeared aglow in holy light. As that figure in the shape of a man moved down the Mount of Olives and toward the Golden Gate, it grew and grew until it became a giant. It approached the Golden Gate as a giant figure of light and passed through the Golden Gate into the temple area. I felt ecstasy and joy. The message had been clear: God would send his son to save the world!


Monday, January 1, 2024

I. Quest for Peace: Peace Cities

Quest for Peace: Peace Cities

Finding a way for us to live together peacefully is a big subject for me. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, I faced that issue while attending the University of Washington in Seattle. The world looked bleak then, at least to me.

The USA fought a bloody and unpopular war in Vietnam, democracy in a life and death battle with communism. Two of my brothers fought in Vietnam, with the 1st Air Calvary and the 3rd Marines. I belonged to the National Guard manning Nike Hercules missiles in the suburbs of Seattle. Our missiles had been tipped with atomic warheads in a desperate attempt to bring down Soviet ICBM's on their way to targets throughout the USA.

That opened the possibility of another, potentially catastrophic event. Doom's Day. The Nuclear Winter. The end of life on our planet through an exchange of nuclear weapons. I had the job of arming the atomic warheads, which gave me pause as veterans in the missile pits talked about the inevitability of our blowing up the world.

In addition to the struggle between communism and democracy/capitalism and the very real probability of our destroying the earth with nuclear weapons, environmentalists prophetically predicted an end of the world from over population and the destruction of our environment.

That was in 1971. Much has changed and much remains the same nearly forty years later. The Berlin Wall fell in 1989. Communist nations fell like dominoes. The Soviet Union fragmented, Eastern Europe regained it's freedom, China adopted "rich is beautiful" as their guiding star slogan. Only isolated North Korea and Cuba carry the banner for communism today. North Korea is building nuclear weapons and delivery systems hoping to scare the world into life-giving concessions for their dying totalitarian state.

Many nuclear weapons have been dismantled by Russia, USA, Europe, and China. Yet the nuclear club has been growing. Along with North Korea, Iran is building the ultimate weapon. We are still not out of the woods with nuclear weapons. We still have the prospect of nuclear exchanges, and nuclear terrorism, that could devastate much of or all of the world.

We are still in a dangerous place with the environment. The need to replace fossil fuel with fuels harmonious with the environment is obvious. Over population in Africa, India, China, South America is increasing exponentially. Forty years later, we are struggling to save irreplaceable rain forests, protect natural habitat for species threatened with extinction, while attempting to create jobs for people whose livelihood destroys those treasures.

The collapse of communism beginning in 1989 has given way to another, even more dangerous struggle. Islam has stepped into the void left by Communism's demise. Islam, like Christianity, seeks to convert the world. The clash between Islam and Christianity is as old as both those religions. What makes the clash new is nuclear weapons.

Radical Islamic fundamentalists have determined to spread their faith by terrorism, including atomic, biological, and nuclear terrorism if possible. Unstable Pakistan houses nuclear weapons highly coveted by the Taliban. The Taliban has a cozy partnership with Osama bin Ladin and al Qaeda. Iran would make it's weapons available to anyone attacking the democratic world, including Chavez and Kim Jung Il.

So, in this troubling situation, on the eve of 2012, let's consider a new way of life. Enter Peace cities.

Peace cities. A grand ideal. Cities like Walt Disney envisioned when he conceived and created EPCOT (Experimental Prototype of the City of Tomorrow). Walt created EPCOT in Orlando, Florida during the race strife in the inner cities of America. He wanted to employ technology to create a safe, clean, healthy, efficient way of living together in the city of tomorrow. The section of EPCOT that hosts nations in a semi-circle around a lake displayed Walt's hope for a world of harmony among the nations and races and cultures of the world. "It's a small world isn't it" captures the dream vividly, as well.

Can we create peace cities from technological advances and cultural appreciation alone? No. Respect and appreciation are important, even necessary. But that in itself is not enough. We need to join in genuine community with others whose hearts are right with God. We will only find genuine peace with each other when we have God in our hearts. As John Wesley said: "If your heart is right with God, as my heart is right with God, then give me your hand." Peace only comes when we each know God.


Monday, December 25, 2023

Can You Guess the Four Pillars for a Happy Life?

Go ahead. Take a shot at it. Stumped? OK. I'll give you a hint. Money isn't one of them.

The idea that money, or financial security, is one of the pillars of happiness has been brought to us by the same people who gave us the current financial collapse: investment companies. They have had a very good reason to sell us on the idea that having lots of money for retirement is the key to security (i.e., happiness).

By focusing on creating a large stash of cash, we are led to ignore the very things that bring us happiness. Studies show that many people who have focused on their career and making abundant money for retirement die on the average of three years after retirement. They die friendless, bitter, lonely, and suffering from poor health. They sacrificed everything for job and retirement and, in the end, they lose everything.

Some studies suggest that retirement is the problem. Retirement is not the problem. Living for job and money exclusively before retirement is the problem.

So, what are the four pillars of happiness? Ralph Warner wrote Get a Life: You Don't Need a Million to Retire Well. This is one of the most valuable books I have read. It came bundled for free with my Turbo Tax DVD. I figured that I should read up on ways to fund retirement so I began reading the book. The financial planning for retirement part of the book took up the last few chapters. By far the largest part of the book dealt with the four pillars for successful retirement.

Warner spent nearly twenty five years interviewing successfully retired people, those who had achieved happiness in their later years. He found that they all had four things in common in their lives, four areas that they had paid attention to long before they retired.

All right, already. So what are they? Take a minute to think about this for yourself. What do you see as the most important aspects of your life? Ponder this and write them down before you go on. I'll wager that most of you will get this right if you just use common sense and let your mind go free.

OK. Here they are:

1. Health

Health is one of the first things we ignore when we are driven to succeed in our careers. Who has time for exercise and recreation? Anyway, my job provides good health insurance so I can always pop medicine to control my blood pressure and have the doc fix me up if something goes wrong. Onward and upward, climbing the ladder of success into the wonderland of retirement.

Wrong approach. Health requires constant attention throughout our lives. Stress is probably the number one killer. Achieving and keeping good health is one of the best ways to deal with stress. As we grow older, our health becomes even more important. If we suffer from poor health, we may end up in a nursing home the last years of our lives.

2. Family

Family is another dispensable while climbing the corporate ladder or making a career successful. Family means a lot more than just having dinner together a few times a week. Family is the most fundamental institution in every society in the world. Family includes the relationship between husband and wife. That alone requires great wisdom and diligence to nurture and prosper. Then throw in the children! I have often wished that each child would come with a instruction manual showing which buttons NOT to push!

Family includes the extended family of grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins and nephews. The support of the extended family is a key component for happiness.

3. Friends

Friends, real friends--not just people we associate with through work--are crucial for happiness. Not that friends at work are unimportant. We may develop real friendships at work that go far beyond the requirements of the work place. Friends are those that we can share our life's secretes with, our ideas and thoughts, our successes and failures. Friends see us for who we are and still love us!

Here is the humdinger. It is not just friends that we need. As we grow into our 50s and 60s and beyond, we need to have younger friends. Why younger friends? Because friends our own age begin to die off as we grow older and, before we know it, we are alone. That holds true for our parents, brother's and sister's, aunts and uncles, and cousins. Unless we strike up friendships with the younger generation, we will find ourselves alone and bitter.

4. Interests

Pursuing interests is often one of the casualties of career building and creating that treasure chest for retirement. Who has time for hobbies when work requires 60 to 80 hours a week, including commuting, coming in early and leaving late, and working weekends. Yet hobbies, interests, service projects, organizations, common interest clubs and so forth are a key to a happy life, before and after retirement.

Passionate interests become all the more important if we lose our spouse or our family lives far away. Warner calls this "Loving Life." That is an excellent phrase for this key pillar. A passionate interest is the kind of activity that totally engrosses us. It can be a recreation, a religious community, a hobby, a service dedication and so forth. Loving Life. Yes, indeed, that has to be the cherry on the top of the hot fudge sundae!

Health, Friends, Family, and Interests

So, there they are. The four pillars of the happy life. We would be foolish to ignore money. Yet we would be far more foolish to sacrifice health, family, friends, and passionate interests for money. When we love life, we light up with joy and bring happiness to those around us.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Can't We All Just Get Along?

The common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it.

--George Washington, Farewell Address, 1796

George Washington knew the animosity of party all too well. By the time that he finished his term as the first president of the United States, Washington had had more than his fill of vile attacks upon his person through the print media.

Washington had hoped that the infant USA would navigate a course between the two extremes of party, at that time called the Federalists (the mother of the Republican party) and the Republicans (the mother of the Democratic party). Yet he saw the rigid lines drawn between the Federalists and the Republicans and feared that they had become an institution in USA political life. And they had.

Why did we fail to maintain one party, instead opting for two major parties and a host of very small independent parties? What is it in human nature that drove us to create partisan stances with a clear line drawn in the sand?

It is all about human nature. That is, how we view human nature. No better way exists to understand the character of the Republican party and the Democratic party than to compare the founders of those parties, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.

John Adams came from Boston, the home of Puritanism in the USA. His way of life kept much of the Puritan world view. By the way, the Puritans received a lot of bad press which the scholar Perry Miller went a long ways toward dispelling. Adams believed in the depraved nature of the human soul, that we have been afflicted with sin through the fall of Adam and Eve. Regardless of the sophistication of our education, we will never overcome the power of temptation to sin by reason alone. The grace of God, the holiness that comes from living a life of holiness, will alone preserve our souls.

Thomas Jefferson came from Charlottesville, about 130 miles from Jamestown, the birthplace of Virginia and the USA. Jefferson embodied the Virginia plantation slaveholder who cherished reason. He embodied the cruel dichotomy of espousing freedom and equality while holding men in slavery to work his fields, build his mansions, and father his children. Jefferson selectively chose which words he believed in the Bible, holding no place for sin and the depravity of the soul. Instead, all things could be achieved through reason and education.

There you have the basic, fundamental, difference between the Republican world view and the Democratic world view. The Republican world view embraces the Puritan belief in resisting temptation and sin through prayer, holiness, and hard work. The goal is to create the Holy Commonwealth of saints. The Democratic viewpoint uplifts reason as the means to salvation for the person and the human race. There is no human sin, no depravity of the soul. We achieve the New Jerusalem through freedom, equality, and reason.

The Republican and Democratic viewpoints each have their weaknesses. The Republican view, with it's belief in the will, can fall toward the sin of fascism. The tendency to see a race as supreme and a holy people chosen to rule the world. The Democratic viewpoint can, with it's belief in the power of reason, error towards utopianism and sexual immorality. The belief in the power of reason can lead to the practice of imposing a communistic rule over others and a naiveté about the power of passion to derail the reasonable person.

George Washington embodied the strengths and weaknesses of both the Republican and the Democratic parties. A pious Christian and a Mason, he believed in the depravity of the soul and the power of temptation. A Virginian, he embraced the Enlightenment's reverence of reason while owning a plantation with slaves forced to labor as chattel for him.

So, although Washington called for citizens of the USA to stand above party in his farewell address, he fell short of embodying a person neither Democrat nor Republican. What kind of person would that be?

They would embrace God as the creator, seek holiness in community, accept the depravity of the soul while embracing the power of reason. They would not draw lines between the races but see all people as their brothers and sisters. They would not see the USA as the supreme savior of the human race, commissioned to rule over them, but as a nation especially blessed with values, principles, and wealth to help the community of nations.

One concluding note on friendship between Republican and Democrat. In the later years of their lives, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson strengthened their relationship as dear and close friends. Their exchange of letters is a treasure of profound thought and endearing sentiments. They died on July 4, 1826, Adams on his farm near Boston and Jefferson on his plantation near Charlottesville, each asking about the other with their dying breath. In the end, one in love and respect, true patriots both.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

A Child (and Beauty Queen) Shall Lead Them

Sometimes it takes an innocent child to show us the way. That or a beauty queen.

We have been witnessing a bizarre phenomena. Men have been seeking to marry men. And women have been seeking to marry women. Although the opposition to the campaign to legalize those marriages has been intense, there is actually little to worry about from such a movement.

It is a self-extinguishing movement, like medieval monasticism. Since the movement can not be advanced through childbirth, each married couple will end with itself. The only means of perpetuation through children comes from adoption, which is the way the movement of lovers of like sex seek to follow.

Yet, the reason for intense opposition to those who hold the traditional marriage as the only marriage sanctioned by God is easy to understand. The movement of lover's of like sex is an ideological movement. During the past couple decades, it has stepped out of the closet into the halls of government. People who have achieved respectable positions proclaim their love of like sex to all the world, advocating that as the best way to marry.

Why has this bizarre phenomena happened? What in the world would make wonderful people chose to perform such a perverted act? Actually, God inspired it. How in the world could that be? Why would God inspire an act that goes contrary to the universal principles of nature and life?

We can find the answer in Carl Jung, the Swiss psychoanalyst whom Freud had picked to carry on his theory. That is, until Jung proclaimed a belief in spiritual reality. At that point Freud pushed him away with a fury. There is no place for God or spirituality in Freud's thinking. God is a neurosis as far as he is concerned. Freud stood shoulder to shoulder with Marx and Darwin in denying God.

What can we find in Jung that would explain the revolting phenomena of like loving like, man loving man and woman loving women? Jung taught that each of us is feminine (anima), and masculine (animus). Women have a greater portion of anima and men have a greater measure of animus. Until recently, to be a woman has meant to embrace feminine characteristics and deny masculine characteristics. Likewise with men. To be a man has meant to embrace the masculine characteristics and deny the feminine characteristics.

We have entered a new age, the age of integration of anima and animus, feminine and masculine, within each one of us. God has put the urge into our hearts for each woman to integrate her masculine qualities and each man to integrate his feminine qualities.

What are the feminine qualities? Some of them are nurturing, sensitivity, spiritual awareness, unconditional love, taking care of the home, raising children, nurse others to health, teach, be beautiful, and be supportive. What are the masculine qualities? A partial list includes not showing pain, acting strong, keeping commitments, bringing home the pay check, punishing the children, taking the boys fishing, never crying, being the leader, being adventurous, performing physically difficult tasks, and working with math and science.

Jung said that we have moved from the age of three to the age of four, into the age of integration, the age of fulfillment. The problem is that the old age seldom easily gives way to the new age. It resists and tries to obstruct the new age. When a woman feels the urge to manifest her masculine qualities, her animus, society admonishes her, "be a woman." Likewise for the man. When a man feels the urge to give play to his anima, society blares back, "be a man!"

That leaves women and men in a pickle. The woman who experiences society's stonewalling determines to be true to her self and her God, over reacts in manifesting her masculine qualities, leading her to believe that she is a man. Likewise with the man. He feels society stonewalling his urge to manifest his feminine aspect, over reacts and believes that he is a woman.

A 12 year old boy, ChristianU2uber, provoked a maelstrom of denunciations for standing up for traditional marriage and saying marriage between like sexes is wrong. Carrie Prejean settled for runner up by standing for traditional marriage in the Miss USA contest. They are right and courageous. Marriage between like sexes is wrong and traditional marriage is right. Yet we need to go one step further and stand for the spirit of the times, to become integrated, whole people.

Since we know that loving the like sex is unnatural and will lead to extinction if we all did that, we know that this movement will fail. But we must not fail to integrate our anima and animus in each of us, to become whole persons, whole men and whole women. That movement must and will succeed.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

God Sometimes Tricks Us

Yes. Sometimes God tricks us. Always for our own good. And usually to get us to do something we don't want to do.

For example, the United States did not want to enter World War II against Hitler's Germany and Mussolini's Italy. In fact, the foremost people in the USA staunchly stood for pacifism, including the almost god-like Charles Lindbergh, the hero who first flew across the Atlantic solo. Let anyone speak out against pacifism in the 1930s and they would receive the kind of scathing condemnation that Carrie Prajean, Miss California in the Miss USA contest, got from Perez Hilton and his buddies for her stand supporting traditional marriage. Politically incorrect, to say the least.

Yet God had another idea. He wanted the USA to enter World War II and help defeat fascist Germany. So, how did he do that? He helped Japan sneak attack the USA at Pearl Harbor. What! God helped a fascist nation deal a terrible blow to the USA! Yes. Because we held the unjust, cowardly, and self-seeking view that Hitler could have Europe for all we care. We have our security and comfort separated by 3000 miles of Atlantic ocean. Let's live by George Washington's admonishment to keep out of entanglements with Europe.

We should have detected the huge Japanese fleet approaching Hawaii. We didn't. The US military commanders at Hawaii should have received telegrams informing them of the likelihood of a Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. They didn't. The newly installed radar should have alerted the US forces at Pearl Harbor of the approaching squadrons of Japanese dive bombers and fighters. It didn't. Even the detection and destruction of miniature submarines in Pearl Harbor didn't put the US forces on full alert. It just seemed destined that the US Navy, Army Air Force, Army, and Marines would be caught relaxing that beautiful Sunday morning on December 7, 1941.

The combination of oversights and mistaken judgments seemed so unbelievable that many scholars of American history believe Franklin Roosevelt allowed Japan to successfully attack the US forces at Pearl Harbor to give the USA reason to fully enter World War II. That is wrong, but not far from the truth. God allowed Japan to attack the USA to bring us into WWII. And thank God He did! The USA, teamed with Great Britain, the Soviet Union, Australia, New Zealand and the underground resistance of conquered nations to bring down the satanic ideology of fascism advanced by Germany, Italy, and Japan. Could you image the world today if the USA had stood on the sidelines allowing the fascist forces to conquer the world? That is too bleak to imagine. For one thing, there would be no Jews, homosexuals, lesbians, gypsies, or, for that matter, anyone other than Aryans living on the earth. That is, unless Japan and Italy could defeat Hitler in a battle of the victors.

Then came another of God's tricks! God needed the USA involved in the Middle East to help free it from feudalism and introduce democracy. There is no way in hell that the United States would do that unless we saw it as in our national interest to do so. We are reluctant warriors for any cause other than that which directly affects us. Maybe that is a good thing. At least it keeps us from jumping into every holy crusade that pops up from time to time. But God wanted the USA to get involved more than holding a few peace retreats at Camp David, sending military hardware to our player of the day in the Middle East, supporting Israel with money and weapons, and talking peace at the UN. So God tricked us.

We believed that Saddam worked to develop weapons of mass destruction. By "we", I mean the entire world intelligence community. Saddam may have planted that idea to protect his brutal dictatorship, hoping that would intimidate the USA and others. We got fooled. We believed that Saddam had been close to producing nuclear and biological weapons and, for that reason, the United States and Great Britain, with a small coalition of nations supporting, invaded Iraq in 2003.

Why did God trick us? Because he needed the terrorist dictator Saddam Hussein removed and a democratic Islamic republic established in fact, not just in name. He needed the first successful Islamic democracy in the Middle East, a democracy rich in oil, water, and educated people. With Iraq a thriving Islamic democracy, other nations in the Middle East would topple the same way one after another. And guess what? We won the war in Iraq! Has anyone noticed? Of course, much remains for the Iraqi people to work out. But once people taste freedom and equality, it is impossible to give it up.

Within a few years, Iraq will be a relatively stable, prosperous democracy shaped by Islamic values. Iran's religious fanatical leaders will fall to a popular uprising. Saudi Arabia will experience a revolution in which the king and prince oligarchy will turn upside down. And, most importantly, Israel will be at peace with her neighbors, cooperating in the development of the Middle East rather than continually struggling to survive surrounded by deadly enemies.

The next generation will have a much kinder view of the presidency of George W. Bush. He will be remembered as the one who toppled the Berlin Wall of Islamic despotism. Even though God tricked him into doing it.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How About the Good Samaritan?

Life is fine when everything goes right. When we are in our groove, when we know just what to do or say, when everyone is happy with us. The trouble starts when we make a mistake.

A mistake. A misstep. A wrong word. A joke that offends rather than delights. That's when life gets tough.

The hardest part of offending another is letting ourselves feel the pain of the mistake. None of us likes to feel pain. Neither the person who is offended nor the person who offends. The easiest way to deal with the knowledge that we have offended another is to shut it out, to justify our act, to put the blame on the person who feels the offense. That's the easiest way, but that is not the best way.

We all watched the drama unfold on the national stage involving Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. He has spent his professional life dealing with the history of African Americans, the injustice they have experienced. That is his profession and no one in America is more aware of the racial profiling, lynching, discrimination, slavery--the most abject form of chattel in history--than he. Gates has attained a position of respect for his achievements.

Here he is. Most likely quite tired after returning from a long trip home from China. Having made many trips between Asia and that USA, I know the feeling. Not only have you endured the ordeal of many hours going back and forth to the airport, going through security, waiting to board, and then sitting in a chair for 12 hours or so that constricts your blood vessels at the legs. Not fun for the frequent flier.

So, Gates, full of the knowledge of injustice toward the black man in America, tired, ready for rest, found his front door jammed. It must have been a chronic problem, something that he neglected to take care of in the past. So, he, irritated, breaks the door open, then goes inside quite agitated. I think we have all be there, right?

Watching the drama, an "elderly woman without a cell phone" hails Lucia Whalen on a walk to a lunch appointment through Gates' neighborhood. She points out what looks like a break in. Lucia's phone call has been recorded. She never referred to the race of Gates and his fellow. Just a good Samaritan seeking to protect Gates' property! Her only intention was to do good.

Sgt. James Crowley shows up at Professor "Bad Day" Gates's front door, doing what the good people of Cambridge pay him to do--protect people and property. He didn't know Gates yet thought that he might actually be the home owner. But when Bad Day Irish-Black American Gates bad mouthed Irish Policeman Gates, he got arrested by his team of policemen, including black officers.

OK. So far so good. Gates would cool off in the brig then return home, meet with his lawyer, and do what he does best, rid the world of unrighteous behavior toward Irish-Black Americans. Life goes on as usual. Until the news story reaches the President of the United States half baked and a Chicago reporter asks his opinion at a nationally televised news conference.

I happened to be watching the news interview live when the reporter asked him about the case. Obama fell for it. He had a knee-jerk reaction, viscerally remembering the many, many cases of police profiling in Illinois, the bill he sponsored to stop racial profiling, the fact that Gates had been arrested in his home and blurted that the police had acted stupidly. There you have it! The first African-Anglo American President of the United States making a mistake on a very highly charged issue in America: racial profiling!

What a mess! Mistakes all around! No one got killed or hurt but lots of pain spread all around. Three highly successful, professional, competent leaders stepping on each other's toes on the public stage. And now they have the honor of drinking a beer together tonight at the White House, working through their little disagreement that came to symbolize all the racial injustice that every happened between whites and blacks in America.

What happened to Lucia Whalen in this forgiveness fest? The good Samaritan who did not have to make a call to the police about a break in, got the short end of the stick.

Why didn't Professor Gates thank Whalen for being a good citizen, for putting herself out on the limb to protect his property? Why didn't Officer Crowley call Whalen to thank her for being a good citizen? Why didn't President Obama call to thank her for acting the good Samaritan without thought of herself? Instead she bore the brunt of insults and taunts, called a racist far and wide, the racial profiler. And she didn't even get an invitation for a beer at the White House with the guys! I guess the lesson here is, think twice before you act the Good Samaritan. All things will be forgiven but that.

UPDATE: August 1, 2009: YES!!!
Gates sends flowers to passerby who called police

UPDATE: August 2, 2009: Gates racial drama ensnares minor characters, too